Whistleblower Protection Laws Around the World

Explore this section and become familiar with the regulations related to whistleblowing channels or any other aspects related to fraud or corruption prevention established in each country.

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Oceania: Whistleblower Protection Laws

A series of island nations have erected strong legal pillars aimed at preserving integrity and providing protection to those who dare to lift the veil on corruption and misconduct. Through whistleblower protection laws, these nations have demonstrated their commitment to transparency and justice, promoting an environment where the truth can prevail without fear of reprisals.


Enacted the Public Interest Disclosure Act in 2013. This law offers legal refuge to those who uncover irregularities in the public sector, encouraging reporting and accountability.

New Zealand

Established the Protected Disclosures Act in 2000. This legislation safeguards those who dare to expose corruption and illegal acts in the workplace.

Papua New Guinea

EIn the lush lands of Papua New Guinea, the Whistleblower Protection Bill was raised in 2020 as a beacon of hope, seeking to empower whistleblowers and protect them from reprisals.

Fiji Islands

In the archipelago of Fiji Islands, the Whistleblower Protection Act has been in place since 2017. This legislation establishes a shield for those who raise their voice against corruption and other illegal acts.

Solomon Islands

The Whistleblowers Protection Act, also implemented in 2017, bears witness to the nation's commitment to truth and accountability.


In the paradise lands of Vanuatu, the Whistleblowers Act has been in place since 2017. This legal shield provides protection for those who dare to speak out against corruption and other illegal acts.