Learn about us

Mission: To create value

within your organization through specialized technological developments in reporting channels, allowing you to efficiently and securely manage complaints or reports within your company.

Vision: To transform

Create a digital transformation process for the reporting process. Where security and anonymity are provided to the whistleblower, turning the reporting process into a digital experience for the whistleblower. This is done so that reporting unethical and irregular acts becomes a habit within our organizations and society.

Philosophy: Creating Loyalty in Organizations.

SHOGUN takes inspiration from the ancient Japanese empire, where its rulers were called SHOGUNS.

The SHOGUNS sought economic and social growth in their territories, building their relationships on loyalty and encouraging citizens to always do the right thing.

SHOGUN's ethical line aims to encourage members of your organization to report irregularities and abuses while ensuring their anonymity promoting adherence to your organization's code of ethics and conduct.

The values in

Values ​​in a company are not only important from an ethical perspective, but they also play a crucial role in creating a positive organizational culture, in decision making, in attracting and retaining talent, in reputation and in relationships with various stakeholders.


Ensuring fairness and justice in organizational matters.


Fostering a respectful organizational environment where abusive acts should be reported.


Having the courage to report irregularities or unethical conduct within our organization is our duty.


Demonstrating compassion by reporting wrongdoing within our organization.


Being loyal to our organization is our responsibility.


Striving to improve ourselves daily, not by comparing ourselves to others but by seeking an infinite path to excellence.

Shogun is a technology startup specializing in the development of digital ethical lines, present in 16 countries worldwide and implementation in over 100 organizations. .

We are leaders in innovation and technological development of digital reporting channels in Latin America.

SHOGUN has a multidisciplinary team where leading professionals in the fight against fraud in America and Europe converge together with a top-level technological team. This combination of experience and skills is reflected in an ethical line of high technological development.

Support for SHOGUN Ethical Line

SHOGUN has received support from significant organizations such as the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Foreign Trade Promotion Agency, and the Banking System for Development in Costa Rica.

We have been part of the incubation and acceleration processes of several business accelerators, including:

  • INN UP Innovation Center of the Costa Rican Chamber of Commerce.
  • Business Technology Incubation Center of the National Technical University of Costa Rica.
  • European Center for Business and Innovation (CEEI) in Albacete, Spain.

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SHOGUN makes available to its employees, suppliers, customers, and business partners the following Ethical Line to report irregularities or abuses within the organization.


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