Get to know our ethical line


¿What is a reporting channel
or ethical line

It is a tool that allows employees, suppliers, and customers to report irregularities, suspicious conduct, or workplace abuses within an organization.

Ethical lines or reporting channels not only enable the reporting of possible irregularities or abuses but also prevent individuals from engaging in acts of corruption or harassment, among other misconduct.

¿How does SHOGUN Ethical Line work?

SHOGUN is an ethical line that automates the management of complaints and reports within your organization while ensuring the whistleblower's anonymity.

Through a mobile application, a reporting website, or both, members of your organization can make anonymous reports. The reports are directed to responsible investigators who can view them on a dashboard with multiple functions that enhance their investigation. There will be real-time communication between the anonymous whistleblower and the investigator.

SHOGUN aims to make the reporting process within your organization an intuitive, fast, and secure digital experience for the whistleblower.

Regulatory compliance with SHOGUN ethical line

European Directive on Whistleblower Protection

ISO 37301: Compliance Management System

ISO 37001: Anti-Bribery Management System

ISO 37002: Whistleblower Channel System

EU General Data Protection Regulation

Corporate Anti-Fraud Program

COSO: Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tradeway Commission

SHOGUN Ethical Line

Our Ethical Line simplifies the internal management of complaints and reports within your organization. SHOGUN's technological developments make your ethics hotline a highly valuable tool for your organization.

Whistleblower anonymity is guaranteed if desired. Our ethics hotline does not extract data from your device

Direct Communication:

Communication is direct and in real-time between the whistleblower and investigator


User-friendly and secure technology for the whistleblower, only requiring internet access or a mobile device

User-Friendly and Intuitive:

Our technological developments are intuitive, ensuring an inclusive ethicalline for your employees


SHOGUN's technology allows real-time tracking of reports


Reports can be automatically or manually redirected within the organization or externally through a third party


Reports are stored in a database with all information security protocols


With SHOGUN, you get encrypted communication and storage, as well as personalized access control


Efficient and straightforward auditing of your ethical line

Data Engineering:

Data analytics and big data functionalities applied to reports

Data Protection:

Complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Whistleblowing Directive:

Adapted to the requirements of the European Union Whistleblowing Directive

Regulatory Compliance:

Our ethical line allows you to meet regulatory requirements for reporting


LImplementing SHOGUN in your organization facilitates internal and external communication of reports, enhancing the credibility and trust of all parties associated with the entity

High Technological Development:

Utilizes the best global practices and technological developments available in your ethical line.

Learn about the plans we have for your organization


Learn about the solutions SHOGUN

SHOGUN Ethical Line is designed to provide solutions tailored to the needs of each organization. Explore the plans we offer and choose the one that best fits your budget and organizational structure.

Basic Business Web Business App & Web Business Premium
Anonymous Reporting
Multilingual Support
Customer Support Service
Basic Reporting Website
Independent Backend and Database
Pro Administrative Dashboard
Custom Reporting Website
Integration of Different Communication Categories (Reports and Complaints)
Multiple Companies in a Single Reporting Channel (Business Groups)
Custom Reporting App
Internal Normative Development
External Reporting Management
External Reports on Complaints
Reporting Flowchart

Download Basic Flowchart

Download Business Web Flowchart

Download Business App Flowchart

Monthly investment Desde Starting from 60,00 According to organizational requirements According to organizational requirements According to organizational requirements


Know the solutions

SHOGUN Ethical Line is designed to adapt to the needs and requirements of each organization. Our technology allows us to make an impact in all industries, organization sizes, and any ethics channel management system. Below, we detail the scope of each of our solutions:

Business Ethical Line

This ethical line is focused on corporate groups or businesses that aim to become industry leaders in ethics management through their reporting channel.

The SHOGUN Business Ethical Line offers a high degree of customization according to your organization's technical and branding guidelines. Thanks to its technology, it provides significant value to your organization through its reporting channel. Learn more about this solution:

Business Reporting App:

With the Business package, you also get an APP for anonymous reporting, customized to your corporate image. Some of the features include:

  • Customization of the reporting app for your organization
  • Available on IOS and Play Store
  • Customization of reporting categories
  • Customization of forms
  • Allows attachment of supporting files as evidence
  • Whistleblower tracking
  • In-app notifications
  • News section

Business Reporting Website:

The Business package includes the development of a customized reporting website for your organization, where anonymous reports can be submitted. Some website features include:

  • Customization of the reporting website for your organization
  • Customization of reporting categories
  • Customization of forms
  • Allows attachment of supporting files as evidence
  • Whistleblower tracking

Know the details of this solution

Menu of Digital Ethics Line Options:

In this menu, the whistleblower will have access to the following options:

  • Customized Reporting Website
  • Download Custom Reporting App via IOS or Play Store
  • Business Dashboard
  • Internal Ethics Channel Regulations

Business Reporting Dashboard

Through a dashboard tailored to your organization's requirements, you will receive reports generated from the website or app. Some dashboard features are:

  • Secure authentication
  • Storage of reports
  • Report search functionality
  • Export reports in office format
  • Administration based on reporting categories and types
  • Automatic or manual assignment of reports
  • Real-time chat with whistleblowers
  • Administrator profiles
  • Access lists
  • Data analytics on reports and users
  • Sending of mass notifications
  • Audit functions

Ethical Line Newsletters:

Get socialization newsletters related to the reporting channel customized according to your organization's image.

Basic Ethical Line

This solution is designed for SMEs or organizations looking to meet regulatory requirements regarding reporting channels. It is very accessible and can be implemented quickly. Here are its characteristics:

Private Profile in the Reporting App

Receive reports anonymously through a profile configured in the Basic Reporting App. Some of its features are:

  • Configuration of a private profile within the Basic Reporting App
  • Available on IOS and Play Store
  • Customization of reporting categories
  • Allows attachment of supporting files as evidence
  • Whistleblower tracking
  • In-app notifications

Private Profile in the Reporting Website:

Receive reports anonymously through a profile configured in the Basic Reporting Website. Some of its features are:

  • Configuration of a private profile within the Basic Reporting Website
  • Customization of reporting categories
  • Allows attachment of supporting files as evidence
  • Whistleblower tracking

Know the details of this solution

Menu of Digital Ethics Line Options:

In this menu, the whistleblower will have access to the following options:

  • Tutorials
  • Private reporting website profile for the client
  • Download a generic reporting app via IOS or Play Store
  • Private investigator dashboard profile
  • Internal ethics channel regulations provided by the client

Private Profile in the Reporting Dashboard:

Receive reports made on the app and website through a private profile created within the reporting dashboard. Some features are:

  • Secure authentication
  • Storage of reports
  • Export reports in office format
  • Administration based on reporting categories
  • Real-time chat with whistleblowers
  • Data analytics on reports

Ethical Line Newsletters:

Get socialization newsletters for your organization related to the reporting channel with basic customization.


With your subscription to SHOGUN Ethica Line, gain access to training programs with CAPACITA,


a leading company in professional training in the fight against fraud and organizational assurance in Ibero-America.

Learn more this solution

  • VIP access to webinars: Includes materials, recordings, and certificates
  • Discounts on virtual and in-person courses
  • Complimentary membership in the Capacita streaming service, an exclusive benefit in business packages



SHOGUN Ethical Line is made possible by SHOGUN MONITOR,
a cloud-based web technology system that includes all the elements needed to ensure the proper functioning, storage, and security of your reporting channel's information.

Here are some characteristics of SHOGUN MONITOR

Web service and servers

SHOGUN MONITOR provides cloud-based installation services. This means that your information will be hosted on virtual servers with all the necessary configurations for system installation. Some of the web technologies and third-party services used for its operation include:

  • Mongo Atlas: A database service that also provides encryption, automatic backups, and shard creation. It has certifications such as SOC 2, EU-US Privacy Shield, HIPAA.
  • Digital ocean:A service that stores web clients with certifications including SOC 2, SOC 3, Cloud Security Alliance, GDPR, and Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules.
  • Sendgrid: A service for sending emails with SOC 2 certification.
  • Heroku:A platform where the backend is stored and executed. It allows resource scaling if necessary and has security measures to prevent port scanning or DDoS attacks. The service has certifications including ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, SOC 2.
  • Amazon S3: A service for storing attached files.


Learn about the security measures that SHOGUN MONITOR has in place to protect your data and the system:

  • TLS Encryption: Encrypted access for both clients and the backend using an independent encryption key.
  • Dashboard with User-Controlled Access: Modifications to reports and other sensitive data cannot be made without access to SHOGUN servers.
  • Security Authentication:Two-step authentication system for users with access to the administrative dashboard.
  • Database Shard Creation: Mirrors of the database are created, allowing the system to continue functioning in case of server errors.
  • Anonymity of Reports:To ensure anonymity, the system does not store or collect data from connected devices, preventing exposure of the whistleblower and any attempt to trace the information. All access is done through the report code.
  • SSH Connection: System updates are done using the SSH protocol, ensuring data encryption.
  • Custom Server Configuration: Server configuration includes blocking unauthorized access and access to additional information such as folders that may be used for other purposes.
  • DDoS or Brute Force Attack Prevention: To prevent these situations, the following security measures are in place:
    -TCP Syn cookies.
    -Limiting client connection speeds.
    -Blocking port scan detection.
    -Blocking connections with suspicious behavior.
  • Access Control Lists (ACL): The backend, along with the database, manages access control lists to configure permissions, restricting access to sensitive sections of the system to prevent data modification or unauthorized access. These ACLs are related and configured based on the creation and editing of profiles in the administrative dashboard.

Other Services

In Shogun, we recognize the importance of promoting good corporate governance practices de and ethical management in organizations.

We understand that addressing these aspects is crucial, and we believe that the key to doing so effectively is through a Corporate Integrity Program (CIP) that places ethical values at the core of corporate culture. An essential component of this program is a digitized whistleblowing platform that is consistently updated with the latest technological trends.

At SHOGUN, we offer the opportunity to collaborate personally with internationally recognized experts or allied firms with extensive experience in this field. This collaboration aims primarily to guide and instruct our clients on optimizing Shogun's ethical line technology through professional best practices in corporate integrity and ethics. This way, a comprehensive perspective is achieved where technology combines with international best practices to promote integrity and ethics in the corporate environment.

The essential elements that make up an effective Corporate Integrity Program are as follows:

1. Review or preparation of the Code of Ethics
2. Corporate Integrity Code (Ethics)
3. Whistleblowing Line
4. Whistleblower Channel Policies
5. Complaints Channel Internal Procedures Manual
6. Whistleblower channel investigation protocol
Shogun provides personalized support in implementing each component of the Corporate Integrity Program. We will work closely with your organization to guide and instruct in optimizing Shogun's ethical line technology and adopting professional best practices in corporate integrity and ethics. The following are the services related to each component:
Development or Review of the Code of Ethics:

The Code of Ethics or Conduct stands as a fundamental pillar guiding employees and business partners in the organization, establishing standards to follow, promoting desired behaviors, and deterring unethical practices.
Shogun understands the critical importance of the Code of Ethics in defining conduct and responsibilities, as well as its role in resolving ethical dilemmas and decision-making.
Operating Regulations of the Ethics Committee:

The Ethics Committee plays a fundamental role as the administration entity of the Corporate Integrity Program, focusing on promoting good corporate governance practices and ethical management.
It is crucial to precisely define the functions, authority, and responsibilities of this committee to ensure the effective operation of the Corporate Integrity Program.
Whistleblowing Channel Operation Protocol:

The whistleblowing channel operation protocol is a document intended to be known to the general public and has the primary purpose of guiding whistleblowers and stakeholders in the whistleblowing channel on the proper use of the reporting line and adjusting their expectations regarding the results that can be expected, the responses they can obtain, and their possibilities of interaction with the team that manages and operates the reporting line.
Investigation Protocol for Complaints:

The investigation protocol for complaints establishes a clear and rigorous path for the investigation and handling of complaints submitted through SHOGUN's digital whistleblowing channel.It must be rooted in solid ethical principles and comply with legal regulations.
Each stage of the process is governed by values of impartiality, confidentiality, objectivity, and fairness, ensuring that complaints are treated with the seriousness and attention they deserve.
Operating Procedures Manual for the Whistleblowing Channel:

This manual establishes the basis for an effective and reliable process through which complaints are received and managed by the dedicated team, focusing on promoting good corporate governance practices and ethical management in your organization.
The manual provides precise details on the necessary steps to receive, assess, investigate, and resolve complaints.
From the initial receipt to the conclusion of the investigation, each step is described meticulously, offering a reliable guide for those responsible for managing complaints to operate in accordance with applicable policies and procedures in the organization.
Whistleblower Channel Policy:

The whistleblowing channel policy is established as a strategic public document. The whistleblowing channel policy sets the guidelines for proper communication, ensures confidentiality, anonymity, protections against possible reprisals, and full compliance with current legal regulations.

Additional Services

In addition, our advisory team can provide support in additional services related to SHOGUN's digital ethical line, including:
External Complaint Management:

Our external complaint management service is a comprehensive service that provides you with SHOGUN technology and best practices in complaint management. Our highly trained team is responsible for receiving and evaluating each complaint impartially and professionally, in order to determine if it is a real complaint that should be addressed according to your organization's complaint investigation protocol.
Procedures for Investigating Special Cases:

We provide advice for conducting special investigations in cases where they cannot be handled by internal resources due to special circumstances such as a conflict of interest or other complex situations that need to be addressed by an external party for greater objectivity.
Procedures for Investigating Fraud with External Resources:

We provide professional advice to ensure that the hiring of external experts is beneficial for the purposes of the assigned investigation, adhering to legality and the highest ethical standards.
Assistance as a Member of the Ethics Committee:

This service includes consulting, in which an experienced SHOGUN consultant will dedicate hours to participating in your ethics committee, reviewing prior documentation and participating with a voice, but without a vote, in the resolutions to be adopted.
Training: Awareness in Ethics Management:

This service aims to raise awareness among committee members, directors, managers, and other collaborators about the importance of good governance practices in ethics management. The objective of this training is to emphasize the importance of these topics to the target audience. The training program will be adapted according to the audience and the specific requirements of each case to meet the training objectives.
Download the consulting services brochure for more information