CAYCSOL Cooperative: An example of vision in ethics management

At SHOGUN, leaders in the development of technological solutions related to organizational ethics, we are proud to pay tribute to our client: Cooperativa CAYCSOL.

It is important to always highlight those visionary leaders who are ahead of their time and take the first step, such as Cooperativa CAYCSOL located in Sonaguera, Honduras.

We want to highlight its vision by becoming, years ago, the first organization in the world to implement SHOGUN Digital Ethics Line. This decision demonstrates a continuous commitment to the implementation of technological tools that allow promoting the best practices for the care and protection of its resources, becoming a reference, both in its sector and in the Latin American region.

Mr. Ermis Contreras, who served as Auditor during the implementation, deserves a special mention for his decisive role in the project, his leadership, dedication and commitment to good practices and transparency were key in the adoption of the Whistleblowing Channel by all. the internal and external collaborators of the organization.

With this decision, Cooperativa CAYCSOL demonstrates with actions its responsibility, integrity, ethics and its tireless commitment to protecting the resources of its members and mitigating both fraud and unethical practices in the organization.

This, more than a success story, is a testimony of the positive impact that the integration of cutting-edge technology with a clear vision of good resource management and corporate ethics has. The implementation of SHOGUN Digital Ethics Line marked a milestone in its trajectory, positioning Cooperativa CAYCSOL as leaders in transparency and protection of resources.

We hope that other organizations are inspired, and we invite them to continue implementing protocols and tools that foster trust, transparency and ethics in each of their organizations. United we can defeat organizational fraud!

Author: André Barrantes
CEO and founder of SHOGUN Monitor. He is an expert in digital training development and specialized technology in Operational Fraud Prevention and corruption, with clients in over 20 countries in America and Europe.

Andre Barrantes

André Barrantes   Costa Rica

He is the CEO and founder of SHOGUN Monitor, a leading company in technological development and innovation in the field of digital reporting channels in Latin America.

He is an expert in the technological development of digital reporting channels with a presence in both: America and Europe. Additionally, he specializes in digital training and technology related to Operational Fraud Prevention and corruption.

He is also the CEO and founder of CAPACITA, a leading specialized training company in Fraud Prevention and Auditing, where professionals from various sectors, including finance, government, industry, services, and technology, are trained in over 20 countries in America and Europe.

In the past 3 years, his training activities have registered more than 100,000 participants.

Regulatory compliance with SHOGUN ethical line

European Whistleblower Protection Directive

ISO 37301: Compliance Management System

ISO 37001: Anti-bribery management system

ISO 37002: Whistleblower Channel System

EU General Data Protection Regulation

Corporate Anti-Fraud program

COSO: Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tradeway Commission


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