The Future Digital Whistleblower: Digitalization of Ethical Reporting Lines

In times of rapid digital acceleration, individuals' habits are changing abruptly. Moreover, the COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the digitalization of society. Many manual processes, such as visiting a bank branch or ordering food by phone, have transitioned to digital platforms and apps. Technology has become a common part of our daily lives.

The process of reporting misconduct is also becoming part of digitalization, with many organizations migrating to digital channels for receiving reports. Digital ethics hotlines are reporting channels operated through digital means, such as app technologies or web platforms. Their operation is entirely digital, providing a digital experience for both the whistleblower and the investigator.

In terms of operation, a whistleblower can file a report through a web portal or a dedicated app. The ease of access to report misconduct is crucial because it allows the whistleblower to submit their report from the safety of their mobile device or computer. In the context of human psychology, this enables the whistleblower to take advantage of the moment when they become aware of irregularities or abuses, allowing them to report quickly and securely.

Reports submitted go directly to a digital command center or administrative dashboard. These reports are received directly by the investigators responsible within the organization. Communication between the whistleblower and the investigator is direct and fluid, allowing for real-time conversations. Furthermore, the conversation between the whistleblower and investigator is conducted using codes, ensuring that no information is taken from the device where the report was made, guaranteeing anonymity.

The whistleblower receives notifications on their reporting app similar to a conventional messaging service. This functionality is crucial for the whistleblower to track the progress of their report without having to provide personal information such as an email address or phone number, which could compromise their anonymity. This allows the whistleblower to collaborate with the investigation by responding to queries from the investigator and providing necessary evidence.

Digital ethics hotlines transform the reporting process into a user-friendly and secure digital experience for the whistleblower, making it easier for individuals to develop a habit of reporting. In the medium term, reporting and ethics are expected to become part of an organization's culture.

SHOGUN accelerates the development of an ethical culture in your organization by turning the reporting process from something tedious or even traumatic into a fully digital, user-friendly experience.

Author: André Barrantes
CEO and founder of SHOGUN Monitor. He is an expert in digital training development and specialized technology in Operational Fraud Prevention and corruption, with clients in over 20 countries in America and Europe.

Andre Barrantes

André Barrantes   Costa Rica

He is the CEO and founder of SHOGUN Monitor, a leading company in technological development and innovation in the field of digital reporting channels in Latin America.

He is an expert in the technological development of digital reporting channels with a presence in both: America and Europe. Additionally, he specializes in digital training and technology related to Operational Fraud Prevention and corruption.

He is also the CEO and founder of CAPACITA, a leading specialized training company in Fraud Prevention and Auditing, where professionals from various sectors, including finance, government, industry, services, and technology, are trained in over 20 countries in America and Europe.

In the past 3 years, his training activities have registered more than 100,000 participants.

Regulatory compliance with SHOGUN ethical line

European Whistleblower Protection Directive

ISO 37301: Compliance Management System

ISO 37001: Anti-bribery management system

ISO 37002: Whistleblower Channel System

EU General Data Protection Regulation

Corporate Anti-Fraud program

COSO: Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tradeway Commission


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